5 September 2018: Teacher assistant III
The day begins with the workout. The teacher will turn on the video workout for kids. The video starts slowly for warm up then faster and slowly again when the video almost end.

First, I have a Bahasa class that I help the teacher to check the workbook. I can't help the student because I don't understand Bahasa.
Second, I have a math class. The teacher taught about number pattern. The students have participated in answer the teacher's question.
Next, I have an English class that I joined my friend to assist the teacher. We help to explain the workbook students don't get it.
After that, I followed my mentor in ICT class. I suggest the student when they need and they ask almost period. The teacher assigned them to draw flowers with MS Paint. The most student can't control the mouse, So I help them and show them how to draw.
Finally, I offered my mentor to pick the periods I will teach in next week and ask she to give me a topic for prepare lesson plan before the weekend.
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