Pedagogical Contents

Teaching methods

The teachers have difference method based on a major authority. Most teachers teaching students learning by doing that they have activities to develop the student into the mission of the school.   The teachers will be a coach to guide them, not to command because students in primary 3 are still children. They need the navigator to guide them. Teachers don't give students homework usually. Students have to finish worksheet after class.

Learning materials and innovation

There are many materials. The teachers choose the material according to the content in the textbook to support the Cambridge curriculum. The material for each subject is a difference depending on the student's ability and level. Teachers applied the technology for teaching such as Kahoot to engage and make the students pay attention in the lesson.

Sources of learning and technology

The classroom hasn't a projector or even a computer. When the teacher needed to use the materials, they will move the students to another room that have the materials they needed. There are many sources enough for students to learn for example ICT room that the school set the scheduled time for every class, Laboratory which the teacher use when having some experiment, Gym room that have enough area for movement in PE. When the teachers have to use the projector, they will use it in the meeting room if that room available. Moreover, the teachers have an effective teaching method to provided improperly.

Authentic assessment

There are many assessments to evaluate students. Teachers evaluated the students from their behavior that they show in the classroom. Sometimes the teacher has the worksheet and mini test in the classroom then keep their works in the portfolio of each student, if their parents recognize, they sign the work. So education is the participation between teacher and parents.


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